美聯航投資9億台幣 要把垃圾變燃油

Category: 水新聞 Created: Monday, 06 July 2015 11:02
Hits: 865


美國聯合航空公司決定投資3千萬美金(約9億新台幣)在替代燃料廠Fulcrum BioEnergy;這間公司的主要技術,就是將市區的固體垃圾轉換成低成本的永續航空生質能源。


美國航空業首例 最大替代能源投資案


「替代燃料這個新興產業,對航空業的未來至關重要。讓替代燃料可使用和可量產是我們的第一步。投資替代燃料不但有益環境,也有助我們公司減少油價波動風險和遵循碳法規。」聯合航空執行副總裁兼總法律顧問Brett Hart說。










United to Fly on Jet Biofuel Sourced From Trash
CHICAGO, Illinois, July 1, 2015 (ENS)

United Airlines has invested $30 million in alternative fuels developer Fulcrum BioEnergy, a company that turns municipal solid waste into low-cost sustainable aviation biofuel.

United said it’s the single largest equity investment ever made in alternative fuels by a U.S. airline.

“We know alternative fuels is an emerging industry that is vital to the future of aviation and this is just one of our initiatives to help make these fuels saleable and scalable,” said United’s Executive Vice President and General Counsel Brett Hart.

“Investing in alternative fuels is not only good for the environment,” said Hart, “it’s a smart move for our company as biofuels have the potential to hedge against future oil price volatility and carbon regulations.”

Fulcrum claims its “renewable jet fuel” will provide “a greater than 80 percent reduction in lifecycle carbon emissions when compared to conventional jet fuel.”

This drop-in fuel meets all the airline’s technical requirements and specifications, and will power the aircraft in the same way as conventional jet fuel, the companies stated Tuesday.

“We have combined the best team in biofuels with two of the largest waste services companies, two major airlines, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, the best technology providers and a premier contractor to build out our program. I’m proud of what our team has accomplished and am very excited about the future,” said E. James Macias, Fulcrum’s president and chief executive.

Fulcrum expects its first waste-to-biofuel plant to begin commercial operation in 2017.

United is convinced and ready to commit to the alternative fuel. For a minimum of 10 years, United has negotiated the opportunity to purchase 90 million gallons a year of Fulcrum’s sustainable jet fuel at a price “competitive with conventional jet fuel,” the companies said.

United takes pride in having been “a long-time leader in aviation biofuels.”

In 2009, it became the first North American carrier to perform a two-engine aircraft flight demonstration using sustainable biofuels made from algae and jatropha.

In 2010, United operated the first flight by a North American carrier using synthetic fuel from natural gas. The following year, there was the first U.S. commercial flight powered by advanced biofuels.

In 2012, United, together with aircraft giant Boeing, Honeywell’s UOP, the Chicago Department of Aviation, and the Clean Energy Trust launched the Midwest Aviation Sustainable Biofuels Initiative.

This effort by more than 40 organizations across the aviation biofuels supply chain seeks to accelerate the commercialization of advanced biofuels in the Midwest.

Finally, United and Fulcrum have agreed to “contemplate joint development of up to five projects” located near United’s hubs. These, in total, are projected to produce up to 180 million gallons of fuel a year.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS
