巴黎宣言凝聚區域共識 抗氣候變遷有進展

Category: 水新聞 Created: Thursday, 16 October 2014 10:56
Hits: 1688

由前美國加州州長,R20區域氣候行動組織(R20 Regions of Climate Action)創辦人阿諾史瓦辛格擔任主席,來自五大洲約500位的地方政府代表、大型企業主、投資人、非政府組織及媒體參與了10日至11日在法國巴黎舉辦的第一屆世界區域氣候峰會(World Summit of Regions for Climate),將為對抗氣候變遷制定具有法律約束力的國際協議。

巴黎宣言凝聚區域共識 抗氣候變遷有進展

為2015年大會暖身 巴黎宣言凝聚官民共識


此次峰會也推展了2015年12月巴黎聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約第21次締約方會議(COP 21)的「正面議程」。COP 21將聚焦於訂定具法律約束力的協議、各國後續承諾、綠色氣候基金和碳價。

峰會亦和世界氣候有限公司(World Climate Ltd)合作,動員區域、城市、企業、投資人和大學發表聯合宣言,呼籲各界在「巴黎之路2015」框架下承諾一系列的具體永續行動。

第一屆世界區域氣候峰會在簽署巴黎宣言後畫下句點,並於10月11日提交給法國外交與國際發展部長、COP 21組織人Laurent Fabius。

巴黎宣言是第一個由地方政府和私人企業聯合發表、聚焦於具體氣候變遷解決方案的宣言,呼籲COP 21締約方制定具有企圖心的國際協議,對抗全球暖化。

達成多項綠能募資 「汙染必須有代價」





France Prepares to Lead the World in Low-Carbon Sustainablity
PARIS, France, October 13, 2014 (ENS)

This past weekend Région Ile-de-France hosted the first World Summit of Regions for Climate on October 10 and 11 in Paris at the Palais d’Iena.

The Summit was organized in partnership with R20 Regions of Climate Action. Attendees included regional leaders, government officials, heads of large corporations, investors, associations, and the media.

Chaired by Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Governor of California and Founding Chair of R20 Regions of Climate Action, this summit gathered some 500 regional and local governments from five continents to contribute to a new legally-binding international agreement to limit climate change.

In collaboration with World Climate Ltd., the event mobilized regions, cities, businesses, investors and universities around a joint declaration calling for commitment to a series of concrete actions toward sustainability within the framework of the Road to Paris 2015.

The event pushed forward the “positive agenda” of the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) in December 2015, in Paris.

COP21 will focus on the adoption of a legally-binding agreement, subsequent pledges by all countries, the Green Climate Fund and carbon pricing.

R20 Regions of Climate Action is working to generate a multi-stakeholder “bottom-up” movement of support for the global climate agreement through the mobilization of regional and local actors.

Both public innovative financial instruments (Pre-Investment Fund) and private ones (investment fund platforms) will be available for large-scale initiatives.

The objective of the Summit was to bring together and engage a broad community of actors in this “bottom-up” approach: regions, cities, businesses, and financial institutions in different areas of the green economy, as well as civil society.

The event provided an opportunity to announce the creation and funding of innovative projects enabling the sustainable reduction of greenhouse gas emissions at the global level.

Examples include an LED lighting project in Brazil for 1.5 million LED street lights, and one gigawatt of renewable energy in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Through concrete commitments from at least 28 states, the United States will reduce its CO2 emissions by 17 percent by the year 2020.

French President François Hollande has indicated that France will participate in the Green Climate Fund before the end of 2014.

Supporting the World Bank’s initiative on carbon pricing, Hollande emphasized that “pollution must have a cost if we want to point investments towards clean and efficient energy.”

The World Summit of Regions for Climate closed with the signing of the Paris Declaration, presented on October 11 to Laurent Fabius, French Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, and organizer of COP 21.

The Paris Declaration defines, for the first time, commitments expressed jointly by sub-national governments and the private sector, that focus entirely on concrete actions to tackle climate change. The Paris Declaration calls upon the COP 21 Parties to reach an ambitious international agreement to limit global warming.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS

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