發展不走回頭路 歐盟砸錢助非洲建設再生能源

Category: 水新聞 Created: Thursday, 25 September 2014 05:09
Hits: 1758

歐盟執委會主席José Manuel Barroso 23日將在紐約與佛得角、科特迪瓦、利比亞、多哥和盧安達等非洲5國簽訂再生能源的共同協議,目標是提升非洲再生能源發電的普及性,特別是需求最急迫的偏遠地區。

發展不走回頭路 歐盟砸錢助非洲建設再生能源







EU Funds Sustainable Energy: First in Africa, Next, the World
BRUSSELS, Belgium, September 22, 2014 (ENS)

European Commission President José Manuel Barroso will tomorrow co-sign joint declarations in New York to reinforce energy cooperation with five African countries: Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Togo and Rwanda.

These agreements will aim to increase access to sustainable energy sources, even in rural areas where the needs are the greatest.

In order to achieve this also on a global scale, the EU plans to allocate more than 3.3 billion euro worth of grants in the 2014-2020 financial period to support sustainable energy projects all over the world.

Around two billion euro will be dedicated to African countries.

A key goal of the EU-Africa agreements is to engage with the private sector to improve the conditions for investment and funding, thereby increasing access to sustainable energy or the production of sustainable, reliable and cost-effective electricity.

For the period 2014-2020 about 30 developing countries have chosen energy as a focal sector for their cooperation with the European Union.

Other countries will also receive substantial allocations in the field of energy, even where this has not been defined as a focal sector. In total, around €3.3 billion will be dedicated to supporting sustainable energy in the EU’s partner countries around the globe, through bilateral and regional cooperation.

This is expected to leverage between €15 and €30 billion in loans and equity investment to fill gaps in energy infrastructure and power businesses, schools, homes and hospitals, the European Commission said in a statement.

Already the EU is working toward renewable energy projects across Africa. The EU supports the Lake Turkana Wind Power project with €25 million under the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund. This will result in the construction of a 310 MW wind farm in Kenya and unlock a total investment cost of €625 million.

The project will reduce Kenya’s import dependency and season-sensitive hydropower production, increase energy security and improve economic activities in remote areas.

An EU funded €2 million project in Liberia, implemented by Save the Children, installs solar panels in all public health facilities that have no electricity to provide light and power radios. The project will reach around 1.5 million beneficiaries, mainly women and children in rural areas in a country of 3.5 million people.

Building alliances in the Pacific is an extension of the EU’s Africa plan.

The EU and New Zealand have created a partnership that supports concrete projects in the Pacific, such as a new hydropower plant with a capacity of less than 1 MW that has a positive impact on the lives of 188,000 people in Samoa.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS

Read more http://e-info.org.tw/node/102330